Channels resources on the web
A collection of Channels resources from around the web in one place. Let us know if you have anything to add.
∞ Articles/presentations/code
** Backbone Live **
Backbone Live Models and Collections
These two Backbone mixins aim to make working with Channels even easier. It keeps your Models and Collections always up-to-date by capturing Channels events from the server. It also adheres to the “convention over configuration” mentality, and prescribes the event names you should use with your Channels events to reduce the amount of code needed.
** Publishing Realtime Updates from Apex with Pusher **
In this tutorial:
- Apex _ Force _ Java * Visualforce
Apex provides a complete set of features for building business applications – including data models and objects to manage data, a workflow engine for managing collaboration of that data between users, a user interface model to handle forms and other interactions, and a Web services API for programmatic access and integration. You can now do this in realtime, using Pusher Channels.
By Pat Patterson.
** Managing and responding to the status of your Channels connection **
In this tutorial:
- JavaScript _ library _ Connection states
Channels has a rich JavaScript client that handles the nitty gritty of WebSocket connections. It emits events to expose the connection’s status. With this functionality, you can tell your users whether the realtime features of your site are available and, if they are not, if and when they might become available.
** Check authorization signatures **
In the helper:
- Publisher _ HTTP API _ JavaScript _ Private _ Presence
A utility written in JavaScript that lets you check what your authorization message and JSON should be given achannel_name
and optionally somechannel_data
. This can be helpful if your are having trouble authorizing subscription to a private or presence channel.
** Catch Authentication Errors **
In the blog post:
- JavaScript _ Authentication _ Private Channels * Presence Channels
A short blog post showing how to catch errors which occur when calling authorization endpoints to authorize a private or presence channel subscription when using the Channels JavaScript library.
Implement Live Web Chat With ASP.NET MVC 4, Pusher Channels and jQuery (Part 1)
How to setup growl notifications for Beanstalk Deployments
Making Backbone Applications Realtime With Pusher Channels
JSONp authentication for channels
In the blog post:
- JavaScript _ Authentication _ Private Channels _ Presence Channels _ Ruby
This post shows how to use the JSONp authentication using the Channels JavaScript library and shows how to execute the callback in in Ruby.
Adding Channels to Truestory (Rails tutorial)
By Oliver
How to Push (PHP tutorial)
By Tom Arnfeld
Channels and ColdFusion
By Ben Nadel
Pushing events to your iPhone using WebSockets and Pusher
By Luke Redpath
Basic private channel authorization using PHP
In the code:
- PHP _ Code _ authorization * Private Channels
A simple example of how to implement an authorization endpoint in PHP which authorizes a private channel subscription. The code sample uses the PHP Channels Server library to generate the authorization signature and JSON.