JavaScript realtime chart quick start
After following this guide you will have a chart in a webpage that you can publish new data-points to from your server. If you have any questions get in touch.
Get your free API keys
Create an account , then create a Channels app. Go to the “Keys” page for that app, and make a note of your app_id
, key
, secret
and cluster
Create your webpage
We’ll make the chart UI using Google Charts (but you can use any common charting library). Copy-paste the following code into index.html
. Replace 'APP_KEY'
with the values from your dashboard. Then open index.html
in your browser:
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
google.charts.load("current", { packages: ["corechart"] });
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(() => {
// Instead of hard-coding the initial table data,
// you could fetch it from your server.
const dataTable = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
["Year", "Price"],
[2013, 400],
[2014, 460],
const chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(
const options = {
title: "1 BTC in USD",
hAxis: { title: "Year", titleTextStyle: { color: "#333" } },
vAxis: { minValue: 0 },
animation: { duration: 100, easing: "out" },
chart.draw(dataTable, options);
let year = 2015;
Pusher.logToConsole = true;
const pusher = new Pusher(
"APP_KEY", // Replace with 'key' from dashboard
cluster: "APP_CLUSTER", // Replace with 'cluster' from dashboard
forceTLS: true,
const channel = pusher.subscribe("price-btcusd");
channel.bind("new-price", (data) => {
const row = [year++, data.value];
chart.draw(dataTable, options);
This page is now waiting for new-price
events on the price-btcusd
channel. When an event comes in, it will extract the value
field and add this as a new data point on the right of the chart!
Trigger events from your server
Your server should trigger events called new-price
on a channel called price-btcusd
. Each example below uses one of the official Pusher Channels server SDKs to trigger the events.
// First, run 'npm install pusher'
const Pusher = require("pusher");
const pusher = new Pusher({
appId: "APP_ID", // Replace with 'app_id' from dashboard
key: "APP_KEY", // Replace with 'key' from dashboard
secret: "APP_SECRET", // Replace with 'secret' from dashboard
cluster: "APP_CLUSTER", // Replace with 'cluster' from dashboard
useTLS: true,
// Trigger a new random event every second. In your application,
// you should trigger the event based on real-world changes!
setInterval(() => {
pusher.trigger("price-btcusd", "new-price", {
value: Math.random() * 5000,
}, 1000);
// First, run 'composer require pusher/pusher-php-server'
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$pusher = new Pusher\Pusher(
"APP_KEY", // Replace with 'key' from dashboard
"APP_SECRET", // Replace with 'secret' from dashboard
"APP_ID", // Replace with 'app_id' from dashboard
'cluster' => 'APP_CLUSTER' // Replace with 'cluster' from dashboard
// Trigger a new random event every second. In your application,
// you should trigger the event based on real-world changes!
while (true) {
$pusher->trigger('price-btcusd', 'new-price', array(
'value' => rand(0, 5000)
# First, run 'pip install pusher'
import pusher
import random
import time pusher_client = pusher.Pusher(
app_id='APP_ID', # Replace with 'app_id' from dashboard
key='APP_KEY', # Replace with 'key' from dashboard
secret='APP_SECRET', # Replace with 'secret' from dashboard
cluster='APP_CLUSTER', # Replace with 'cluster' from dashboard
# Trigger a new random event every second.In your application,
# you should trigger the event based on real-world changes!
while True:
pusher_client.trigger('price-btcusd', 'new-price', {
'value': random.randint(0, 5000)
If there isn’t an example in your language, have a look on our server SDKs page, or get in touch.
Finally, go back to your browser to see the realtime data appearing in the chart!
Where next?
- If you had any trouble, get in touch.
- For the core concepts, read Understanding Pusher Channels.
- For the features this quick start uses, see connections , publish/subscribe over channels , and the JavaScript client library.