Swift client SDK
∞ PushNotifications
is the top-level entrypoint to the SDK.
∞ .shared
is static, so can be accessed from anywhere in your project. The minimum you need to initialize a client is the following:
let beamsClient = PushNotifications.shared
∞ .start
Register with the Beams service.
This must be done in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
delegate method in AppDelegate class.
self.beamsClient.start(instanceId: "YOUR_INSTANCE_ID")
∞ .registerForRemoteNotifications
This is a convenience method that uses alert, sound, and badge as default authorization options.
You can specify constants to request authorization for multiple items.
func registerForRemoteNotifications(options:)
- iOS Available options: UNAuthorizationOptions
- macOS Available options: NSApplication.RemoteNotificationType
∞ .registerDeviceToken
Register device token with the Beams service.
∞ .addDeviceInterest
Subscribes the device to the given interest.
∞ Arguments
- ∞ interestString Required
Interest that the device will be subscribed to.
∞ Returns
∞ Example
try? self.beamsClient.addDeviceInterest(interest: "hello")
∞ .removeDeviceInterest
Unsubscribes the device from the given interest.
∞ Arguments
- ∞ interestString Required
Interest that the device will be unsubscribed from.
∞ Returns
∞ Example
try? self.beamsClient.removeDeviceInterest(interest: "hello")
∞ .getDeviceInterests
Returns the interests the device is currently subscribed to.
∞ Arguments
- ∞ interest[String] Required
Set of interests the device is currently subscribed to.
∞ Returns
∞ Example
∞ .setDeviceInterests
Sets the subscriptions state for the device. Any interests not in the set will be unsubscribed from, so this will replace the Interest set by the one provided.
∞ Arguments
- ∞ interest[String] Required
Set of new interests
∞ Returns
∞ Example
try? self.beamsClient.setDeviceInterests(interests: ["donuts", "pizza", "gaming"])
∞ .clearDeviceInterests
Unsubscribes the device from all interests.
∞ Arguments
∞ Returns
∞ Example
try? self.beamsClient.clearDeviceInterests()
∞ .handleNotification
Use this method to enable Pusher related features, for example, the notification Insights.
self.beamsClient.handleNotification(userInfo: userInfo)
We provide an option to ignore Pusher related remote notifications.
let remoteNotificationType = self.beamsClient.handleNotification(userInfo: userInfo)
if remoteNotificationType == .ShouldIgnore {
All possible cases:
Case | Status |
Pusher sends a test push notification to validate the APNs token. | .ShouldIgnore |
Payload contains only the alert . |
.ShouldIgnore |
While app is in the background and payload contains alert and data . |
.ShouldIgnore |
While app is in the foreground and payload contains data . |
.ShouldProcess |
Whenever content-available: 1 is set. |
.ShouldProcess |
∞ .interestsSetOnDeviceDidChange
Method interestsSetOnDeviceDidChange(interests:) of the protocol InterestsChangedDelegate allows the delegate to be informed when interests set changes.
import UIKit
import Foundation
import PushNotifications
class ViewController: UIViewController, InterestsChangedDelegate {
let beamsClient = PushNotifications.shared
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.beamsClient.delegate = self
func func interestsSetOnDeviceDidChange(interests: [String]) {
print(interests) // ["vegan-pizza", "donuts"]
∞ .setUserId
Sets the user id that is associated with this device. You can have up to 100 devices associated with a given user.
This method can only be called after start. Once a user ID has been set for the device it cannot be changed until
have been called.
∞ Arguments
- ∞ userIdString Required
ID of the user you would like to associate with this device.
- ∞ tokenProviderTokenProvider Required
Token provider that will be used to generate the token for the user that you want to authenticate.
- ∞ completionError
An error object if request failed, or nil if the request was successful.
∞ Returns
∞ Example
let tokenProvider = BeamsTokenProvider(authURL: "<YOUR_BEAMS_AUTH_URL_HERE>") { () -> AuthData in
let sessionToken = "SESSION-TOKEN"
let headers = ["Authorization": "Bearer \\(sessionToken)"] // Headers your auth endpoint needs
let queryParams: [String: String] = [:] // URL query params your auth endpoint needs
return AuthData(headers: headers, queryParams: queryParams)
self.beamsClient.setUserId("<USER_ID_GOES_HERE>", tokenProvider: tokenProvider, completion: { error in
guard error == nil else {
print("Successfully authenticated with Pusher Beams")
∞ .clearAllState
Clears all the state in the SDK, leaving it in a empty started state. You should call this method when your user logs out of the application.
If the device was paired with a user and the app is uninstalled without calling this method, Pusher Beams will remove the device. This can take up to 3 days to take effect.
∞ Returns
∞ Example
beamsClient.clearAllState {
print("Cleared all state!")
∞ .stop
Stops the SDK by deleting all state (both locally and remotely). Calling this will mean the device will cease to receive push notifications. start
must be called if you want to use the SDK again.
∞ Returns
∞ Example
beamsClient.stop {